So, what do you do if your credit reports make you want to hide under the covers and never use your credit cards again? Relax, you can turn your ratings around.
Mortgage lenders look at the “age,” dollar amount, and payment history of your different credit lines. That means opening accounts frequently, running up your balances, and paying on time or not at all can impact your credit score negatively. Just changing one of these components of your spending behavior can positively affect your credit score. Also, bad credit does not necessarily mean you can’t get a home loan, it will just come at a higher cost.Home / Uncategories / Kings Property
Kings Property
So, what do you do if your credit reports make you want to hide under the covers and never use your credit cards again? Relax, you can turn your ratings around.Mortgage lenders look at the “age,” dollar amount, and payment history of your different credit lines. That means opening accounts frequently, running up your balances, and paying on time or not at all can impact your credit score negatively. Just changing one of these components of your spending behavior can positively affect your credit score. Also, bad credit does not necessarily mean you can’t get a home loan, it will just come at a higher cost.Why Were You Turned Down for a Loan?
If you are having trouble getting a loan, ask your lender why. Chances are it will be one of these reasons for rejection:- Overextended credit cards: If you miss payments or exceed your limit, that’s a red flag to lenders.
- Failure to pay a previous or existing loan: If you have defaulted on other loans, a lender will think twice.
- Bankruptcy: Filed for bankruptcy in the past seven years? You might have trouble getting a loan.
- Overdue taxes: Lenders check your tax payment record.
- Legal judgments: If you have a judgment against you for such things as delinquent child support payments, it could harm your credit.
- Collection agencies: Lenders will know if collection agencies are afte
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