Nepali Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli’s six-day visit to India took place at a time when bilateral ties between the two countries had reached a low point on account of the Madhesis’ agitation against the newly promulgated Constitution. The agitation has taken the lives of over 50 eople, leading the Madhesis to block all the crucial entry points on borders with India. This in turn resulted in a shortage of essential commodities in Nepal. Unfortunately, the Nepali government felt that it was at the behest of the Indian government that the entry points were blocked, causing serious strain in the bilateral ties. It was in this context that the visit of Oli assumed significance in dispelling the misunderstanding between India and Nepal
Most of us are not aware of what an actuary does and the importance of the role in an insurance company. Undoubtedly, an actuarial job may seem quite boring, but it is one of the most challenging and high-paying jobs. If you are a math or statistics genius, then this may be the perfect career for you. The actuary's main responsibility is assessing/quantifying risk and developing means of mitigating risks. Actuaries are largely known for their work in the insurance and pension fields, where they design financially secure benefit programs to protect customers. Let's take a look at the role, certification process and career advancement of an actuary.
Most of us are not aware of what an actuary does and the importance of the role in an insurance company. Undoubtedly, an actuarial job may seem quite boring, but it is one of the most challenging and high-paying jobs. If you are a math or statistics genius, then this may be the perfect career for you. The actuary's main responsibility is assessing/quantifying risk and developing means of mitigating risks. Actuaries are largely known for their work in the insurance and pension fields, where they design financially secure benefit programs to protect customers. Let's take a look at the role, certification process and career advancement of an actuary.
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